MISI Hungarian School / Mission
April 6, 2014 marked the date that 23 excited children embarked on a new adventure-learning about her heritage and culture through the formal study of the Hungarian language. Supported by a grant from the Hungary
Initiatives Foundation, the school is the first of its kind for the over 100-year-old organization. It has been fondly named the MISI Hungarian School and the children are called the MISI Mókusok.
The children were initially grouped into three classes based on their ages.
The classes are designed to provide the children the opportunity to succeed to read and write in Hungarian, with particular emphasis on reading and conversation. Our position is that by acquiring an ability to read in Hungarian the student is provided an indirect means of continued proficiency in the language, and that through reading they might learn about and develop an interest in the Hungarian culture.
The teachers and the leaders of the Minnesota Hungarians believe that the school is providing their community the opportunity to study our language and culture all the while providing an environment where children of like ages can develop life-long friendships and a chance to speak in their parents' native language.